4299 S. Jason St., Englewood, CO
City of Englewood
Phase 1 completed Fall 2019
Phase 2 in progress
Services Provided:
Concept design
Public meeting facilitation
Construction documents
Bidding assistance
Construction period services
Project Overview:
Em Dub Design was hired to help design several renovations to Jason Park, a popular 8+ acre park in Englewood, CO. Phase 1 focused on playground renovation and access updates. The City had a lean budget, tight timeframe, and requested Em Dub’s design help to secure an Arapahoe County Open Space grant to pay for a large portion of the construction. Our team exercised significant innovation, creative problem solving, and mobilized quickly, working closely with the City and park neighbors to design a playground containing accessible play and spaces for all ages and ability levels.
The project included assisting the City with public input from neighborhood organizations and conducting a public meeting to present conceptual playground designs. Em Dub’s resulting design concepts and plan were included in the City’s application for an Arapahoe County Open Space grant and were instrumental to the City securing the grant. One way we found value for the city was by salvaging existing play equipment and re-purposing it into park features and gateways. What was once a merry-go-round, became bike racks and backdrops for benches. And what were once monkey bars became archways welcoming visitors to the park. The playground was completed and opened to the public in Fall 2019.
Phase 2 is currently underway, and Em Dub Design is now helping the city design and plan various site amenity improvements, including restrooms, picnic shelters, and a basketball court. We are providing irrigation design services for this phase as well. Like in Phase 1, Em Dub’s designs and plans were used to apply for and secure another Arapahoe County Open Space grant.