11th and Quebec St., Denver, CO
Denver Parks and Recreation
Completed Fall 2017
Services Provided:
Project Management
Project Overview:
The SE corner of Denison Park was previously a Denver Water facility until it was given to Denver. The site remained unimproved until 2016, when Denver began the process to improve and renovate the site, including removing an adjacent asphalt parking lot and replacing it with irrigated turf.
Em Dub Design provided project management services for this 2-phase project, working closely with numerous people and departments throughout. Due to the site’s former use, it was necessary to work with the Department of Environmental Health to coordinate hazardous materials testing to understand what uses were possible. From there Em Dub Design collaborated with multiple departments to develop an improvement plan, which included a Bermuda grass pilot project. The grass pilot became a time-sensitive matter due to the availability of the grass, and Em Dub Design quickly led that phase of the project through development of construction plans, bidding, implementation of the materials management planning (MMP) with an on-call contractor providing CABI services and construction.