2400 Quebec St, Denver
Denver Parks and Recreation
Completed Fall 2021
Services Provided:
Project Management
Project Overview:
Fred Thomas Park is among several Denver parks required by the Department of Justice (DOJ) to address ADA accessibility deficiencies. Because Em Dub Design has helped the City address these issues at several parks, including other areas of Fred Thomas, they again returned to our team for assistance.
After initial updates were made in 2019, additional deficiencies on a different schedule remained to be addressed, including providing accessible pedestrian travel route repairs to various park features, parking lot modifications, and the addition of multi-use field viewing pads.
Due to a rapidly approaching DOJ deadline, these were high priority and time sensitive improvements, and Em Dub Design was entrusted to see them through. Our team helped the city with project scoping, budgeting, bid solicitation, procurement and contracting, construction oversight, and final close-out. All was completed within budget and prior to final deadlines.